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Steve looked shell shocked from watching Kelly’s huge tits.He was grinning ear to ear and I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying to Kelly, but I pretty much knew without having to hear anything. The deejays copped hugs and ass grab as the girls disembarked.We sat on the lawn pretty far back from the stage, by choice. Kelly had been squirrely the whole day. She wanted to make out and more, yet it was not exactly the place. We loved Cheap Trick. Every now and then Kelly would kiss me and swallow my tongue. It had become nighttime-dark when INXS took the stage.Fifteen minutes into the set and Kelly pulled off her tube top. Soon after, Denise removed her bra from under her black mesh shirt. She and Steve had camped out next to us on the lawn. Other folks from our group were near but not really close.Kelly thought maybe she could get a few more in the crowd to join her. It wasn’t to be. And it didn’t slow her down one bit. She danced the entire time.She covered up the girls as we. Nadia moved to the bump, knelt on the bed next to it, and, once all of us were circled, she reached over and yanked the sheet away. She grinned and went, "Tah Dah."The girls all applauded. The device was a Sybian – a large smooth saddle over a wooden frame with an area on the smooth rounded top where a specially-designed pliable plastic area vibrated right against the female rider's clitoris. The elongated ridge of flexible material sat in the middle of the top with short nubs on it almost like those on a French tickler; they were positioned perfectly to provide the best in stimulation. In addition to the vibrational mode, several attachments lying with the remote control next to the Sybian could be plugged into to a hole in the top to add additional stimulation and excitement. Lastly, on the front of the device, was a handle the 'rider' could hold onto to stabilize their ride.A flying saucer wouldn't have received more careful scrutiny from each of the other women. Claire, Crystal,.
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