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Would you like that?’ You looked up from your book. You paused. ‘Ok, Daddy. Yes. Can I see the room next door here?’ ‘Of course, sweetie.’ We got up and went to the tall door and opened it. You stepped through into a lovely, airy room. As light and feminine as my room is dark and masculine. The fireplace was smaller and made of light green marble with a stuffed chair and footstool before it. There were huge bay windows with a window seat all around. Two high backed chairs flanked a small table. There was a big canopy bed with fine linens and blankets and afghans and big comfy pillows. There was an old-fashioned vanity with an etched mirror and lace skirt, a tall wardrobe and two chests of drawers, and an old trunk at the foot of the bed. You ran to the bathroom door – your own claw-foot bathtub. All the colors were light. The room was fresh. I was a girl’s dream come true. ‘Daddy, it’s lovely.’ You ran to the window and knelt on the window seat looking out. It had begun to snow. The. I never agreed to a perm for God's sake! When my head was a mass of waves, she started to cut. And roll me up in a set. It took hours. Jeannie would come and go, every time she saw me, she giggled. I cringed. How bad was this going to be? Blanche spun me around and let me see the New Me. I had poufy little bangs, framed by a wide pale green satin headband. From there, my red, red tresses had been back-combed to create height and flow into lots of little flips that covered my ears, and left my neck bare.Jeannie put me in a tight pantygirdle and then emerald Capri's. Then, clear plastic platform mules with a five-inch heel. I couldn't believe the next thing she forced on me. Imagine a long sheath, shawl collared, sleeveless, a single button at the waist, held secure by a wide belt in gold lame, that swelled into a mid-calf length full skirt that was open in front to show my legs, all done in a gold and green brocade. Add some cheap plastic, jangling hoops and bracelets. I hated it but.
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