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If you are sprinting up there, it is a different challenge. I opened my stride, racing up the hill towards my destination. With most of the distance covered, I was on the last long stretch, which was the steepest part. I was forced to run on the side of the road, due to pedestrians taking up most of the pavement. I was almost there. I forced myself to go faster. Once I reached the stairs ascending to the palace, I leapt, taking two steps at a time, until I was at the top.I leaned on the pillar, next to the stairs. I buried my forehead onto my arm, exhaling deep, striving to catch my breath. A pat on my shoulder than an unfamiliar male voice said, “Getting ready for the London Marathon, mate.” The group of people he was with, chuckled at his comment. They continued, towards the direction the crowds were going.When my breathing was stable, I looked around me. You usually don’t get so many, visitors at Alexandra Palace, even on a Saturday. There must be a function in The Great Hall, I. "Carl, please. Don't do this, okay? Just don't go near that place."Carl looked about to say something when he paused and stared at his friend, eyebrows raised slightly as if in surprise. Did he sense the fear Mike had felt for a moment? Carl finally nodded. "Okay, Mike. He's your son. I suppose I just should butt out." I appreciate your concern, though," Mike said. "You're a good friend, even if you annoy the fucking shit out of me."Carl glanced out the window at Mike's rig. "Hey, you pullin' outta here soon?" I was probably gonna catch some sleep first." Got time for a drink? There's a bar just up the road. Five minute walk, tops. On me."Mike smirked. "You're buying? I'm not gonna pass up free booze. Come on, let's--" His cell phone warbled just as he stood. "Fuck, if this is Harve, I'm gonna..." He trailed off as he gazed at the caller ID. "Huh. No name, and I don't recognize the number." He flipped it open and lifted it to his face. "Hello?"He heard a tiny sound, like crackling,.
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