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Since I no longer had the constraints of a 9-to-5 job, I could devote time to his team. And when Lisa got to be 6-years-old and wanted to play soccer, I volunteered to coach that as well.In that vein, things slowly went into a steady decline over the next eight years or so. It was so slow that I really didn't notice until about a year earlier, when I stopped to think about when Marlene and I had last had sex and couldn't remember the exact date.I realized then that a sex life that had been three or four times a week -- and sometimes more -- had dwindled to about once every six weeks or so. And when we did, it was fairly perfunctory, as if we were just fulfilling an obligation.Something else I noticed, too, was that we were arguing more, and trading snippy comments with each other over trivial stuff. Little habits and quirks that we once shrugged off now became bones of contention.And as I worked out the changes we were going through in my mind, suspicion began to grow that perhaps. As I walked past, I saw a stool and a pay tv type thing in each one. I also saw the holes. The last booth was open, and I took it, probably just my self concious putting me in the back to not be noticed. I closed the door and locked it, then sat on the stool, thinking about what I was going to do. My thoughts were quickly interupted when someone tried to open my door. I sat up straight and didn't say a word, I couldn't say word, then they tried again. Still, I said nothing, as someone walked into the booth next to me...I could see their legs thru the hole, and then probably the most shocking was when all of a sudden, an eyeball popped into the hole to look up at me. It was the guy with the sweatshorts. I turned away, and realized I had nothing else to look at it. I looked at my purse to see how much money I had to put in the machine, noticed the camera...and then I noticed the cock in the hole. He was kinda jacking off, holding his cock and thrusting it in and out.
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