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“What’s going on?”Mark ignored her to point a trembling finger at me. “If she’s your girlfriend, then why was she running away from you, crying?”“Because I was an idiot,” Sam muttered with an apologetic glance over her shoulder at me.That made my chin quiver. I wiped my running nose with the back of my hand.“Steph asked me to the turn-about dance. I’ve liked her for weeks and it seemed too good to be true. So, like a dumbass, I asked her if she was fucking with me. Obviously that was the wrong thing to say after she’d finally worked up the nerve to ask me.” Sam turned to face me cowering against the restroom door. “So if it’s not too late, I’d like to say yes.”“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Lydia said and clapped her hands. “I just asked Mark to the dance yesterday, but luckily he said yes right away.”My eyes shot to Mark’s face and fresh tears rose. He’d already said yes. The guilty look on his face told me he’d lied to me. The offer to let me decide his answer and his attempt to fix me up. It would be very discourteous and a slap in the face to them if you did."Hal could feel his daughter on the verge of ordering them to attend, and he knew he could not resist her. To him, that would be worse than the actual party, so he caved. Darlene, of course, had little say in the matter, though she found herself incredibly curious about Cal's parents.Cheryl timidly approached Elaine and Martin and warned them about what to expect. Elaine grabbed her in a hug and told her "Honey, we have a good idea what to expect. Your job is to forget everything else and have a blast at your last prom." My only one, as far as I'm concerned," Cheryl murmured into Elaine's shoulder."Well, Martin and I and Teri and Rick will guarantee that your parents leave here happy that they came." That's a tall order with my dad," Cheryl cautioned."We can handle it. Promise."By agreement, the parents all brought their offspring to the Banners', where a little photo studio was set up. Cal and Jean alternated.
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