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All of those things I had seen in those photographs or on the DVD or read about in that nasty little novel were things that were unimaginable to me. They were the stuff of the basest of male fantasies. Under any other circumstances I would have found those behaviors to be totally unthinkable. Although to be honest, I might not be so conflicted if the people in those photographs and DVDs were someone other than my parents.But after talking to Laura and having an intelligent discussion on the subject I was no longer upset by the feelings I had last night. She also explained it from the other side of the equation. She told me what it was like for her and Jon and she explained the deep feelings that they had for both my mother and my father.By the time the conversation was winding down I think that we had both come to realize that I was very much like my mother. I had never been exposed to any of this before and it had surprised and disturbed me. I still had questions and reservations.. A few minutes waiting for their plane to take off and they were underway. Charlotte looked around the First Class cabin and was quite impressed - she had never flown First Class before and she marveled at the legroom and luxuriousness of everything."I've never flown First Class like this Sir. Whenever we would travel, it was usually at the government's expense and they would only allow us to fly Coach or Economy- Class. And since Dad was 'under orders', we couldn't even upgrade our tickets." she said. "Yeah, I know about that. I served in the military - the Army - and I know how tight the government travel can be. Just be lucky you got to fly commercial and not on one of the military hops! On those, you are considered cargo and you are pretty much treated as such. You would be more comfortable sitting in the cargo bay of this plane than flying on one of those hops! But you are with me now and I always fly First Class - so get used to this!" he said."Oh, I think I can suffer through.
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