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We'd been riding at a fair pace and the temperature was fair so sweat was an issue as we took our first stop. Lisa had stopped at the bench, the very same bench where she had straddled me and pissed on me."Weather's better today, no chance of rain." She said, catching her breath before sitting down, unzipping her gilet to reveal a tight top, body-hugging her ample tits.I was struggling with this, struggling to understand her complete lack of reference to our previous experience. How can you piss on someone and seemingly ignore it? To me, it made no sense as I sat next to her and commented, in an effort to bring the subject up, that it was unlikely to be as wet as last time.Lisa smiled "I don't know, we've still got a way to go yet."She stood up and bent over as if to tie her lace, her arse was in full view as I studied closely those panty lines and told myself she was doing this on purpose.She removed her gilet and pushed it into my rucksack. She didn't ask if it was ok, she just did. Of course the tv show couldn,t show much flesh as it was considered family entertainment, but when not actually filming we had a ball. And believe it or not I,m a real genie and Mr Sheldon simply based his story on what I told him. The actual astronaut who found my bottle and released me I,ll never reveal as we,ve now lived together for many years and I love him with all my heart even though I,m 456 years old and he,s just 76! Fortunately being immortal with unlimited powers I can stay looking young and healthy and make my master look that way as well. We,ve always had a great sex life and I,m very adventurous in bed. Oral, fetish, lesbianism, anal, fisting there aren’t,t many aspects of sex I don,t know if or don,t practise though I do draw the line at pissing or defecating! I can think back to when I first was released by my master and even if my memory isn,t so good I have my magic to call it back. The afternoon my master had his life raft washed up on my Beach was magic in.
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