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At first my dad hoped he might be able to influence Pastor Sam and tone down some of what he was doing but that never worked."I almost cut his apology off but I decided that maybe he needed to get it off his chest. As he paused I said, "Mike, we all make mistakes. I've sure made enough and I'll probably make some more. What's important is to not repeat our mistakes."Mike said, "The worse thing is how he treated those girls. I dated Sarah before all of that started. Sarah was, and is, a beautiful young woman who always made me feel like I was someone really special. She never said anything bad about anyone and she was always talking about how beautiful or smart some of the other girls were. We never did much more than kiss but I always felt that those kisses were special and held promises of things to come. It almost destroyed me seeing her abused the way she was and I'm so ashamed that I didn't do anything about it that now that I can't even look her in the eyes. I want to apologize. Instinctively I knew, they were no mortals."Ayo, got 'im!" the white-haired woman said, sounding rather freakish. The voice I heard was definitely not hers. It must be the other one then."Ignore my sister, Carnachias, please. Serial masturbation has left her brain damaged." The brown-haired woman sighed. Her voice matches the one I heard earlier."Kek, you fell for Mel's lies.” continued Carnachias."Do not address me by that name! And I've told no lies." refuted Mel."That 'will become a monstrosity without equal' thing is not placed after we give him the god juice, but after he grinds like a dipshit." reinforced Carnachias."I had but a few moments to deliver the offer, some information was to be inevitably lost." Mel defended herself. "Let me illustrate the situation to you, our champion. The world of Ruyanei has been the place of struggle between Light and Dark…" Anime JRPG fantasy world where the monsters were about to win, but then the glowing cocksuckers of Light cheated, and made.
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