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The other girls at the pool took notice of what was going on and before long, all of them were displaying their lack of panties to the attentive men. The men indicated they would like to see more. Being the entertainers that they were, the girls feigned hesitation to show more. Slowly the girls shyly allowed their tits and nipples to be exposed. After much cheering the girls were encouraged to move their tops down to their waist.From there it was like a slow burning forest fire. First there was hugging and kissing. This turned into rubbing and groping by both the guys and girls. Rebecca got up to get a closer look and supervise the activities. She concluded that the match had been struck and it was time to let the house burn down.When she returned to Joe and Sarah she was surprised to find Sarah stroking Joe’s semi-erect cock. The show of female flesh had made Joe seek some relief. When he had asked Sarah, she was more than willing to help him out. Rebecca, not wanting to get. Many lessons should be taught, between now and the end, I know not much, but enough. Will you allow me to travel with you, and we learn what we can from each other?’ The friends conversed amongst themselves before Erik turned and smiled upon the messenger. ‘Of course you may, Bringer of Many Tidings. We would but ask your name, and gladly have you travel with us and teach. Knowledge shared willingly is a kingly gift to us, and we will impart what we know of this world, small amount as it is. For everyman should accept knowledge given in good faith, and decide for his self what impact it will have.’ Smiling upon the two eager young men, the Messenger spoke. ‘Many men have many names, and I have been known by a few. I prefer to call myself Dagfinnr for now, for that is what I am.’ So saying, the three companions rode off, leaving the Halls of Hrold on their journey. As they traveled through the endless night of the northern places of the world, Dagfinnr spoke along the ride, for the.
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