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“Ladies, I am sorry if I frighten you, I don’t mean to. It was just that you smelled really bad and I just wanted to get you away from those animals and someplace safe.”They exchanged looks for a moment before turning back to me.“Now, I am going to go and buy you some clean clothes, but I need to know your sizes. I’ll get you some food as well, as that whole mess made you miss lunch, right?”They did that thing again, looking at each other but not talking. One of them nodded, looking distinctly unhappy, and stood up. She dropped her robe and I couldn’t help but groan.She was covered in bruises, scabs, half-healed stripes from something sharp. I could see at least one broken bone that healed badly. Her genitals were raw and red, and I was sure I could see something moving there.She seemed dejected, but she spread her legs, as if she was offering herself.She was! She was offering herself! But why? In payment for the room? I think I wanted to cry at that point. I mean, this child. This. " he said.Here was my problem. If you want to terrorize someone do it in the middle of the night. Everything seems more dangerous in the middle of the night. But I only had the old man's word that this Peace was leaning on the women of the mission for some reason. I needed to satisfy myself that it was true, then do something to solve the problem, without bringing too much shit down on the mission. They did good work, even if it was making the Preacher rich in the process. It was more cop work than ops work, which the farm expected me to be doing. Unless they stopped me, I would take a look at Bristol Peace the very next day.I went home put the soup in the restaurant type refrigerator, then sat down in my comfortable chair to recharge and research Bristol Peace. He had a different name, if he was the bad guy the old man thought he was. Lots of people changed their names when they converted.I didn't expect that the Preacher had his real name, so it was up to me to find out. Some of the.
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