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There were tears in her eyes. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whimpered, ‘I really thought that I could be happy for you and Madeline. But I love you so much that it’s hard to forget about you.’ We kissed. It was a long, tender kiss. A kiss like no other that I had ever had. A kiss that I will always remember. We held each other for what seemed like an eternity, until a polite cough announced that Madeline had returned. Then the three of us walked in silence back to the villa. Conversation at dinner was fairly subdued, with each of us trying to make an effort to be pleasant. After dinner, Stefano announced that he was going to bed. Apparently he retired early every night. Of course he and Juliette had separate bedrooms. Madeline said that she was tired from our journey, and asked if I would mind if we went to bed also. Juliette said that she would turn in early as well. As I lay in bed waiting for Madeline to join me, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would she be angry? Would she want me to make love. Her attempts to draw attention to herself while working on her domestic duties - a pause after serving tea, a quiet cough after presenting the mornings post - were the cause of a number of floggings. In time her errant behaviour was cured and she was able to submerge herself successfully in the role as a household functionary and nothing more.I became used to her black clad form scuttling out of sight as she finished some or other cleaning task and indeed, it was soon the case that I only encountered her for one our periodic discussions of the quality of her work and each evening when, stripped of her uniform, she would be returned to her cage.It was on one of these occasions that, having removed her dress, cap and apron, she turned to me and asked, "Excuse me, Sir, at what point do you believe my training will have been concluded?"I replied, telling her that, while she had made great progress, there were still further hills to climb. It was, however, my view that this was the point.
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