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Betty was sitting real close to Frank with her left shoulder against the seat almost facing him. Must have had her legs up under her. She was in a tank top and loose skirt as I remember. (Girls always remember what the competition wear.)Joey and I were talking in the back seat while Frank and Betty were chatting in the front, very cozy. Joey was on his good behavior with us just talking about whatever. Frank was being uneasy in the front seat and you could tell he was almost uncomfortable as he kept fidgeting and rearranging himself. He had a bit of grin on his face, so he wasn't being bashful or anything. He reached up and adjusted the rearview mirror. I thought he was trying to adjust it to look at us but be turned it down so when you looked at it from our back seat angle we saw why he was fidgeting. Betty's hands, both of them, were resting on his legs. Her left hand was like scratching his jeans right at the fly. You couldn't see well enough to see if Frank had a hardon but you. . especially today ... But Sally was really distressed about what she read, ‘cause she’s scared out of her mind about what’ll happen when her turn comes.”“God, it must be awful to have that Program selection crap hangin’ over your head, you know?” Tom sighed. “We’re so lucky that we’re not gonna get involved. I’m certain that I wouldn’t be interested in reading that blog if it talks about bad stuff.”“Yeah, me too. But I feel sorry for people who are forced to do things that make them feel horrid,” Lynette said, shaking her head. “I wanna look at that blog—see what Sally was saying about other schools.”Tom grimaced. “And those tabloid articles we’ve read about the Program too. Hey—those articles—they also mentioned a blog, right?”Lynette was typing at her laptop. She looked up. “Yeah, that’s right. Okay, the search results are here ... yeah ... I think this is it. The Realist. Let me see. This must be it. Oh my, here’s an article about a girl where the head teacher had cut off her hair.
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