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10 minutes had past and I was ready for bed also. I walked upstairs and started getting ready when I popped my head into mums room and noticed she was sitting up ready a magazine. She looked up and just smiled. Dad's phoned his working the night shift now she said to me. I just finished brushing my teeth and was in my lounging shorts when I went back into mums room. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when she put her magazine down. We had just started talking about the tv programme we was watching nothing exciting when I decided to get under the cover. Both me and mum had a good relationship, always had a laugh and got on surprisingly well. So this wasn't strange both under the covers in her bed. Do you remember when your father worked nights when you was younger, you'd always stay in this bed she said. You use to say you wanted to make sure I was safe mum said smiling. Blimey that was years ago I replied. Yeah its been a while and I must admit your bed is comfy I said stretching. ”“What about pregnancies?”“Most of the girls use effective birth control, so we have very few pregnancies. If a girl is pregnant and does not want the baby we pay all her medical expenses and pay her sick leave until she is ready to come back to work.“Occasionally a girl gets pregnant deliberately. In those cases we also pay all her medical expenses and we pay for up to two years maternity leave. Of course the amount that we pay is not as much as they could be earning here but it is still quite generous. We also provide a creche for when they want to come back to work and flexible hours too.”“That all sounds very generous. I imagine that most of your girls are very happy working under those conditions. Am I right?”“Yes. The success of this club depends on happy, cooperative staff. I think that it is time for you to see the club.”Gwen and Valerie stripped naked. Then they both ;put blue bands about there ankles, wrists and necks. Once they were ready we went through a door which led to.
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