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We took turns. I did her and then she did me, and I hadn’t even asked her to. I even told her she didn’t need to, but she did it, and it was real good.”Just thinking about it gave me a shiver, my pussy clenching.“We were going to our seats when Schultz made some crack like ‘Gimme a chance, bitch, and I’ll show you what a real man can do.’ He was looking at Haddy when he said it, not me. I guess everyone knows I swing both ways.”Devers nodded.“I came back with something like maybe he’d get lucky when pigs like him could fly.”Devers winced. I sighed again.“The minute I said it I knew it was a mistake, and had a feeling it would come back to bite me in the butt. I guess it was Haddy’s butt got bit instead. I feel really bad about that.”“Did Hadiya say anything at the time?”“Oh. Yeah. She called him an asshole. I guess that’s my fault, too. She didn’t even know that word before she met me. I’ve been a bad influence.”I caught the flicker of a smile when she gestured for me to go on.So I. I think a lot of our questions will be answered!" and I moved to the box and found a set of keys resting on it. The first Items in the box were letters to Jerri and me respectively.Dear Bob, If you are reading this, I am dead and you are the heir and trustee to my estate. I picked you because I know you will be fair and follow my limited instructions to the best of your ability.Robert, my brother, is not a nice person but he is family and I have avoided turning him over to the police because of that single fact.I have also told him that if he causes any trouble for Cindy or you, I would rise up out of the grave and cause him untold grief. If he has caused you any trouble, use your best judgement but hurt him bad enough that he quits.In the file, you will find enough documentation to have him and his lawyer prosecuted. My father used Mr. Yost of Singer, Jones and Yost. Therefore, I did and when he retired, I used Morris Caffee until I found out that he was working in conjunction with.
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