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”“I watched!”“My friend will come visit in five months. I bet she would skate with you!”“Stephie?”“She’s probably too little,” I said. “She’s not even two yet!”“I’m almost four!” Birgit declared.“Going on twenty-four,” Jessica said, sotto voce.“You ready to go to work?” Elyse asked, coming into the kitchen.“I thought you’d left already. I won’t be going in until 9:00am this month because of Jessica’s schedule. I’ll work until 6:45pm, then go to karate, then come home for dinner. Kara and I will eat together, but Abbie will make sure the kids eat at the normal time.”“Bummer. Those family dinners are really nice.”“I’m sorry,” Jessica said.“It’s only a month,” I replied. “And we’ll have family dinners on Saturdays and Sundays.”“I’ll wait for you today,” Elyse said, “but I suppose I’ll go in at the usual time starting tomorrow.”Jessica and I finished our breakfast, I kissed her and the kids, and then Elyse and I headed to the office. It was a normal Monday morning with the leadership. ”“It was both a stroke of luck, and testimony to the type of person that Brad is. It turned out that one of the cameramen on the auditions was one of Brad’s friends. Brad makes friends indiscriminately of who they are or what they do. It is one of his most endearin’ features. The cameraman felt confident enough in his friendship to go up to Brad’s office in the same set of buildin’s and told him that this unknown girl, me, had stolen the scene with my audition and had the rôle sewn up, but that the director was up to his old tricks again and had lured me alone and defenceless to his office on a pretext. So Brad came lookin’ for me.”“No doubt he was impressed by the results of your latest dramatic performance?”“Indeed. After the incident, Brad took me somewhere nearby for a coffee, where he was able to smooth my ruffled feathers. Meanwhile, the movie director took a really different story to Mr Gold, the owner of the studio. Soon, someone came lookin’ for Brad in his usual haunts and.
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