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“Oh yes?” I said, still wondering on whether he was joking. “Why does it turn you on?” I asked, hoping he would have a reasonable answer. “I don’t know, it just does” he said, “Do you think I could watch it sometime?” my mouth dropped open and I felt my stomach churn. “You actually want to watch us, you know, doing stuff?” I asked again, making sure I’d heard him correctly. “Well, why not?” he said, laughing. “Are you sure?” I asked, feeling rather nervous and unsure about the whole thing. “Yeah”, he said, “When can I see it?” “When do you want to see it?” I replied, hoping it would make him forgive me for anything if I let him see it. “Tonight”, he said, sounding dead serious. “Okay…” I said, not knowing what to say next. “Can I talk to your sister about it though, I mean, I don’t know if she’d be okay with it or…” “She will be”, he said, “I know she will be”. “How do you know that?” I asked, “Has she said she’d be okay with it?” “Yep”, he replied. “So she said that over breakfast. First things first. Well, there were a lot of first things. I needed a place to live, I needed a job, I needed a doctor. Amazingly, my luck seemed to have changed with travel, because all three fell into line, one after the other. A casual remark by one of the county's deputy sheriffs led me to a perfect small apartment, the converted coach house of a sprawling old house owned by a delightful elderly couple. Not only did they make me feel welcome, they put me in touch with the owner of a local grocery store who needed a bookkeeper. Mr. Shaptner, the store owner, introduced to me to a female Emergency Room Doctor who held night childbirth classes, for free, which fit well into my budget.I worked, I ate. I did the exercises and took the vitamins the doctor recommended. At first, I spent most of the my evenings at home. I didn't bother with TV, finding that I enjoyed listening to the radio and reading. Since I was being careful with money, that led me to the local library. The first.
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