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The Halim had hit them hard, before they had time to react.They were fascinated with the fact that we came from a different universe, and even more so with the idea of creating wormholes for travel. They were a long way from home, and it would take them the equivalent of several of our months to return. We offered to create one using coordinates they provided. After some discussion, the Commander accepted.The exit would be in an uninhabited system that was a week away from their destination, to prevent panicking their people. I suggested they send either an unmanned probe, or a scout ship through first. That way, they would be ensured of the safety of the fleet.The Commander replied "I'm glad you mentioned that. I was worried you would be angry when I did, believing we didn't trust you." Trust does not preclude caution", I assured her. "I only suggested it because it is what we would do in your position. There is no hurry, though. If you would accept our hospitality, we would like to. Right there, in the middle of the church, a group of soldiers dressed as monks gave him a big surprise by chopping his head off.Let’s see what else happened. Back in 1261, Byzantine emperor John IV, who also turned eleven that day, received a big Christmas surprise of his own. The soldiers who got him didn’t kill him. They only made him blind Since the Byzantine Empire’s laws said that blind people couldn’t be emperor, John got sent off to a monastery.So let that be a lesson to you. If any of you ever grow up and become the Emperor of Byzantium, be careful around Christmas, and watch out for soldiers. Be sure to get them before they get you.Speaking of soldiers, today’s tale sends us back to 1776. A lot of things happened that year, such as the establishment of San Francisco by a collection of Martians, and the founding of Moscow’s Bolshoi Theater, whose opening performance of War and Peace, the Condensed Version is expected to end sometime in 2063. Also, on December 25 of that year,.
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