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You’re nice. I know you won’t laugh at me. I bet you’re good at it. And I think you’re cute! As for why now? Because I’m fifteen and I want to know how everything works.”“Vickie, please, can we talk about it?”“Sure. Come out of the shower and talk to me.”“Can you wait in my bedroom? Let me get dressed.”“Nah, it will be more fun if you just come out now!” she giggled. “I want to see.”“Vickie, come on.”“Come out and talk to me.”I shut off the water. She had me trapped and wasn’t going to let me get out of this. Fine. It’s not like I hadn’t been naked in front of a girl before. After all, I had even walked down to dinner with the Spencers naked. I decided she could have her cheap thrill.I opened the sliding door to climb out of the tub and promptly tripped over the side of the tub. Vickie was leaning against the counter with her bathing suit on the floor next to her. I quickly got up, grabbed a towel from the rack, and wrapped it around me.She was laughing.“What are you doing?” I asked,. We have always had a great dining life, despite sticking to relatively vanilla foods. I’m usually the one pushing for us to try delving into some more exotic meals together or going for that fourth course, but Jane usually declines. I never was bothered, because I always figured she was completely satisfied with my straightforward cooking. Sure, we stick to simple meals, but we do them better than anyone. If she was happy with that, then so was I.That was, until a couple of weeks ago. I was clearing out some attic space and preparing for us to pack up and move when I found a blank DVD among some of Jane’s forgotten boxes of stuff. It was labeled ‘2006,’ which was a few years before we met. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but Jane’s past was such a gray area to me that curiosity got the best of me. I wish I had not seen what was on that DVD: a younger, more vibrant, and appetized Jane allowing herself to be filmed eating with another man. I saw her sucking ferociously on his.
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