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For some reason, the left half gives the donor a better ability for recovery.”“After surgery, Abby and Brad will go to the Intensive Care Unit and monitored very closely with several machines. They will be on a respirator, a machine that breathes for the patient and will have a tube in the trachea bringing oxygen to the lungs as you saw before on Abby. Once they wake up enough and can breathe on their own, the tube and respirator are removed. Then the small tube of oxygen into the nose like has on Abby now. She will have several blood tests, x-ray films and ECGs during the hospital stay. Blood transfusions may also be necessary. Brad will be watched very closely for any complications.”“Brad is a hockey player, for the Bellville Falcons and is very high on the NHL draft list this June. Will the operation affect his ability to play hockey again?” Dan wondered.“Brad won’t be playing any hockey for the rest of this season that’s for sure. As for the NHL draft, the operation cuts through. And my backyard. I love going to nude beaches.”She says the last part with a big smile.Cut to Isabella’s room“I fucked my ex in the woods plenty of times. I think I’ve gotten a taste for it.”I’m sensing a theme here. Why don’t we have Ingrid and Stephanie join us?The other girls’ rooms are right next to Isabella’s for the summer, so they don’t take long.Are we actually fulfilling two fantasies for you girls today?All three of them break out into smiles. Isabella glances discreetly out the window but the camera still catches it.Say no more. We are happy to do it.Cut to closeup of the girls for the signature shot.“I’m Isabella Atwell. I’m 21, I’m from Oregon and I’m studying Philosophy.”“I’m Ingrid Lee. I’m 21, I’m from California and I’m studying Molecular Biology.”“I’m Stephanie Ming. I’m 21, I’m also from California and I’m studying Bio-Chem. And-”“We want to have sex with a dog.” the girls say in unison.Soon we are all back outside in the quad. The crew hurriedly sets up extra.
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