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Some of the more sensitive villagers noted the tension, or wondered if they imagined a slightly unusual intensity in their neighbours' eyes, but most dismissed the phenomena as symptoms of excitement for the upcoming harvest.The three new arrivals definitely did not notice, as their minds were on a much more serious matter: budgeting. Sitting in the ramshackle local tavern they tried to puzzle their way out of the mess they had found themselves in.The three had been adventuring together for some time, but had yet to build any renown. Their leader was Lady Naomi, a striking figure, powerfully built but with delicate, refined facial features, her fiery red hair flowing in a long braid. Her milky white freckled skin was usually hidden underneath thick plate, with an armoured skirt to improve mobility. In battle she wielded a hammer and a heavy shield. Despite her fearlessness in combat, her noble upbringing had isolated her from the real world. This meant she was completely naïve about. Well, a hot, young, intimidating, distractingly sexy…did I mention hot? All the girls sitting in the room were practically drooling over their desks, especially Diana Simons, the busty brunette sitting at the front, looking like she wanted to eat him alive. Even the guys seemed almost captivated by him. I couldn’t blame them, I was trying very hard not to stare too openly, hence the doodling. And he had to pick on me. Great. I looked back up at him, trying not to look away from his powerful gaze, ‘I’m sorry, Professor. I’ll pay attention now.’ My voice was steadier than my head, which was in a turmoil. He held my gaze for a few more seconds, eyes stormy but unreadable from where I was sitting at the back of the room, before he turned around and continued his speech which had something to do with modern architecture and the second world war. I think. If someone told me a few months ago that Brandon Chase was teaching architecture at Columbia, I would have laughed. Even though its.
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