Sex's In Trein porn video

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The cock finds the hole, and he thrusts the cock all the way in. Lori is not sure what to expect, as she thinks this is the widest cock to penetrate her pussy. The cock feels tight inside her, and probably up to her ovaries. She cums hard with the first thrust, and quickly looses track of what is going on. Roger feels the tightness of the pussy, and enjoys what is happening. He pumps her for a good ten minutes before depositing his load of sperm deep in her womb. He licks he nipples, and realizes that she is off in la-la land. When he cums, he lets his cock get soft before withdrawing. He sees that she is only semi conscious. He looks around the room, and find his camera. He takes some pictures, as he likes to keep them for his records. He knows his wife does not know about this obsession. Lori comes to a short time later, and he helps her to dry off with a towel that he brought into the office. She then gets dressed, and Roger asks what the session did for her. She gives him a kiss,. As Walker and I pull up to the large, handsome, white house on West Meyer Boulevard off Brookside Boulevard, I reflect, again, on how wise my father was. He had purchased the house more than 30 years ago and had cared for it lovingly. He’d recently turned down an agent’s unbidden offer of just over a million bucks. No way The Captain could afford to buy that same house today.Mom gave me a hug along with her familiar greeting, “No cop talk, not in my house.”“I know, Mom.”Large sigh. “With all your education how could you have ended up like this? And unmarried too.”Mom still looks good at 54. She is tall and still slender. Her blonde hair has some bi-weekly help from her stylist, but she keeps herself in shape.Mom had warned me against marrying Richie Sanders. “He’s too good looking. Slick. And lazy. Anyway, who needs a man? Marriage is for chumps.” Mom loves my father, would be lost without him. But she’s always generous in sharing ways I should be improving myself. Logic is not always.
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