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That night when Mac got home from the office, she'd fixed dinner for her and Harm, with the intent of spending the entire evening together in bed. Mattie had gone out shopping with Jennifer, her roommate so the coast was clear for Mac and Harm to enjoy each other in whatever ways they chose.Mac loved being pregnant. As she was fixing dinner, she found herself occasionally reaching down and rubbing her little "bump" where her baby was growing inside her belly. She wondered to herself why she and Harm hadn't gotten together and gotten her knocked up long before now. Why in the world had they put this off for so many years?? Mac already planned that as soon as she could manage to get pregnant again after this baby was born, she would.Mac had changed out of her Marine uniform after she got home and put on a cute little maternity top with a bra underneath and a sexy pair of short shorts that shoed off her shapely ass well, and her long shapely legs. She wanted to seduce her baby's father. The weather was warming and the last few days of school were nice. The heavy winter clothing was put away and I wore short dresses and sandals, looking forward to being nude once again.I passed all my classes with a B average, which made my parents proud of me. I sat in the sun and watched as the guys put the finishing touches on the pool, dreaming of lying out stark naked on the deck. My old white two-piece fit snugly, and I'm sure I got a few looks as I sunbathed. I invited Sammi for the weekend of the opening, and she said she wouldn't miss it for the world.Sammi didn't seem to care if her suit slipped and exposed a breast or a butt cheek and she giggled at me when my top came undone. Our horseplay became physical, dunking each other and laughing hysterically. Dad said there would be some other folks coming the following day, and I got the idea that Sammi might like to see my pond.The next day we gathered our stuff and I asked Mom if we could go. I got permission and was told we'd.
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