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It is because I have been judged that we are having this discussion. Or I have missed something? Stop wasting my time, release me from where ever this place is, and move on to your next appointment. I'm done with you, demon girl,” I snarled.She tightened the grip of her tail around my neck and grabbed my wrist with both her hands. She was in a panic to pry my hand away from her throat. This time I was certain that the naked demon girl shivered when her hands made contact with my wrist. I smiled at her and squeezed her neck tighter. Her yellow eyes bulged out of their sockets.“Let go,” I growled. “As arousing as watching your face turn blue, and your big, yellows eyes bulge out of their sockets is to me. I’m not the kind of man that you want to test.”She hissed and sunk her nails into my forearms. I took a step back, pulled her forward and off balance, and then I twisted my hips and shoulders as I stepped forward and slammed her flat onto the desk. Her tail unwound from around my. She was surrounded by people she didn't know and felt all alone. Her only friend had abandoned her. Not only that, Debbie left to have sex again with the guy she wanted. It wasn't fair.What could they be doing in that closet? Debbie was popular with all the guys. She was good at teasing them in the hallways. Debbie knew how to wiggle her ass and drive the guys crazy. There was no doubt every one of them wanted to get in her pants, and most already had.Pam sipped from the bottle. The beer was bitter, but she didn't care. If she closed her eyes, she could see Debbie making out with Joe in the closet, could see them feeling each other up, then they were naked, having sex right on the other side of that door. How could everyone else in the room not know what they were doing in there? But then, that was what they expected."Wanna try some?" Amber said. She held her cup out for Pam. The end of the straw had a smear of pink lipstick."Sure," Pam said.She wiped the pink smear off with her.
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