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She loved how his body felt all over hers. She began to smile as she “felt” him all over her too. She felt the sensations or so she thought she did and as she thought about it some more she realized she loved it all. Yes, the smiling Gracie loved it all for sure, especially when she was able to feel his cock in her hands that night. Amongst everything else she felt that the greatest thing was when she felt his cock in her mouth. Now, that felt incredibly awesome! When she felt his cock inside of her mouth nothing felt could ever replace a feeling such as that. It alone felt out of this world! She couldn’t believe it. Her mind ran rampantly. She had actually taken hold of his cock and she actually placed his cock into her mouth. And she said to herself…get this. I can’t believe it. I sucked my daddy’s cock off, she said to herself with a smile on her face. She continued to smile. As far as she was concerned she’d let that happen again and again and even again. She knew it. She’d do it. "Then he walked on shaking legs to his table and collapsed into his chair and with his wife and children looking on, he cried.I do this all the time. Actually, I have done something like this with thousands of people. I have lots of small businesses and then at times I help someone else with a small business. Usually when I send someone to a specific place to take a job they actually go, and accept the offered job. I have never had a person fail to hire anyone that I sent to them. There are times when those people just blow it off preferring to get drunk or do drugs with the money, and no call is ever made to that business, but at least I try.I do the same with people that need a little seed money to start a business.You might think I am some kind of good person, I'm not. I am not a good person at all. As a matter of fact I have done some pretty vile things in my life, evil things.More recently I was in the military and I killed a lot of people; not all of them in combat. I never took.
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