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Sure, I had removed my gun belt and more So we belly rubbed and she looked up after. my reaction was kissing her. She got weak in my arms and wrapped her arm around my neck. It went from this to me guiding her into the living room. She pulled her skirt off and panties down. stuck my hand in her hairy pussy and started humping my hand. With in a few seconds she had bused her first one. You need to put something in me, damn I need it bad. She unzipped my pants and pulled out a hard cock. laid back and spread her legs. I saw mostly grey hair but nice pussy lips. Mounted her and pulled her leg on the back of the sofa and pushed it in. She laid her head back and moaned. Slow please, damn that feels good. UMMMSo for 15 min we fucked, pure fucking. She would orgasm and start yelling thank you Jesus. Don't stop please, Kept pumping her and she worked her ass up and her pussy inside. Could feel her working hard to give me good feeling back. Heard knock at the door, we were like k**s ran up on. She was leaving town for several days because her dear aunt so-and-so was gravely ill. She wanted me to watch her house and feed her cat, which I had done many times before, but clearly there was something else. As we weren’t close, it took her awhile to get around to asking. Claudia coached the local junior college girls’ swim team. She explained they had a chance, if they did well in the next meet, of being nationally ranked – an unheard of success for a junior college. She explained there were no assistant coaches in junior college program to take her place and other coaches in the sports were too busy with their own teams. She knew that in college I had competed in swimming. But was she really as asking me to coach her girls’ team for her? Yes! To her, I was her Obi-one-Kenobi, her only hope. I hadn’t yet said yes, but I knew I would. It was so much as being around athletic young women, but it was a chance to win a major meet. My school was always an “also ran”. I would get a.
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