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When done, he cleaned out any leftover from her ass; with expertise he probed deep in her ass with his freakishly long tongue to give her the royal treatment. When he was done, she got up slowly put on her panties back up along with her skirt then she turned around and looked into the outhouse like toilet bowl seat, the hole was big enough to allow the room light to illuminate what lied under it. She saw a dirty stinky disgusting ‘man’ without a shred of hair on his whole body. A body more red from the various past whipping bruises than his almost nonexistent unharmed white skin. Blinded, his arms permanently bound in the back with chains linked to a pole fixture, his legs free enough only to allow him movements to properly do his job but otherwise his feet’s bound in the concrete of the floor under. Permanent sewer pluming entering inside his stretched anus for his own discharge while another tube is attached to his hard bruised cock also linked to the sewer system. His. He explained how he gave up working as a photographer for a major newspaper, traveling constantly all over the globe covering high profile events, to tend to his then-ailing wife. He opened up a photography studio so he could be there for her. They were high school sweethearts and they married young, he was 21 and she was 20. They were married for 26 years and a part of him died with her; he held her in his arms as she drew her last breath.I sent him my pat answer that life has to go on; that response was posted on my column’s site. What I didn’t expect was Dean to continue corresponding with me. Maintaining my professional distance in my replies, deep down my interest in Dean developed slowly but steadily. I encouraged him to get things off his chest; in time he started telling me more intimate details of the life he had shared with her. Sexually they were conservative. He had been with some women prior to their being together but hadn’t sowed his wild oats that much. She.
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