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“Then we’ll burn your cock off!” says the prince. The third guy smiles and says “I’m a lollipop salesman”.A young naval student was being put through the paces by an old sea-captain. “What would you do if a sudden storm sprang up on the starboard?” “Throw out an anchor, sir”. “What would you do if another storm sprang up aft?” “Throw out another anchor, sir”. “And if another terrific storm sprang up forward, what would you do?” “Throw out another anchor”. “Hold on,” said the Captain “where are you getting all your anchors from?” “From the same place you’re getting your storms, sir”.A proud mother telephoned a Sunday newspaper to announce she had given birth to eight children. The line was bad, and the operator didn’t hear the message. “Would you repeat that?” the operator asked. “Not if I can help it” said the mother.An American tourist was riding in a taxi in Israel. As the taxi approached a red light, the tourist was shocked to see the driver drive straight through without even. This was a constant battle for me. I wanted to find a nice guy and settle down. I did meet a nice guy and he was all I wanted; handsome, intelligent and kind. He was a gentle lover and fell for me big time. I fell in love as well and we were together constantly (joined at the hips as well). We made love often and for a while I was satisfied and thought I might have gotten it all out of my system.Then one night at a concert on campus, I was with friends. My boyfriend Jim was there somewhere as well, but it was just a big party. I knew I'd hook up with him later on. But that wasn't what happened. I bumped into a football player from my high school that happened to be visiting a friend at my school. I had always wanted him in high school, but wasn't the slut then I wanted to be. Turns out that he had heard that I was easy now that I was in college and wasn't about to waste a moment getting into my panties. All of a sudden all thoughts of Jim were gone as the slut took over. What the hell.
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