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I assure you, and his boss is standing behind me, he had no trouble with his boss until the issue of abusing his wife came up, and now the lies surrounding his marriage.“He told you he had trouble with his underlings. Mr. Prentiss is one of his direct reports, and if there is any trouble of any kind this is news to him as well as his colleagues in Mr. Coswell’s department.“Mr. Coswell told you that he worked most nights to get ahead in the public utility company where he worked. I believe he led you to believe he worked somewhere other than the electric company. Also, the nights when he didn’t see you, he was at home, and now we know he was badgering his wife to the point of making her suicidal.“Over the past months, I’m speculating that he told you he had a break in his work schedule and could spend more time with you. Actually, his wife had to go to a treatment center in Texas to rebuild the self-esteem and confidence that he destroyed in her, as well as restore her self-worth.. .. that Country Western singer... Bart Greenwald. What are you talking about... what are you saying... what is this about Kenneth Undall and my wife?"Jason was confused, "What are you talking about Marc? It's not Addie that's having an affair, its Constance..." The look of sorrow and pain on Marc's face forced Jason to grasp the unthinkable. As Jason's hand lost its strength, the package dropped, landing with a plop on the edge of Marc's desk.With a sad face, Marc reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a package similar to Jason's, complete with identical name stamp.In a desolate voice, he said, "By the way Jason, like you, I've only read certain portions of the transcript. Since she's my daughter, I couldn't bring myself to look at the rest... TMI is what I believe you kids call it."Pain more tangible than any his body had ever endured coursed through Jason. "Addie... my Addie... is fucking around... But we are supposed to be getting married," Jason said as he stood and stumbled.
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