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It’s too good to be true. I couldn’t believe it. Oh, my God. Take a breath, Freddie. I took a breath. ‘I need some time to think about it,’ I said. ‘Okay, yeah, sure,’ I said after thinking about it for three seconds. ‘I gave it a lot of thought and I’m all for it. I mean, if this is the only way that I can keep you, then I am willing to sleep with Yan…for you.’ I smiled a devilish grin while blinking my eyes fast. ‘You’re such an asshole, but I still love you.’ She smiled, leaned over, and stuck her tongue down my throat. ‘I’m going to call Yan now, and have her come over and the three of us can talk and maybe tonight we can get together to see if we are compatible.’ ‘Okay.’ I sighed and said, ‘Whatever you think is best.’ She turned and gave me the finger. Oh, my God, I was jumping out of my skin. I’m going to make love to Yan! I’m going to make love to Yan! I’m going to make love to Yan! I was jumping with joy. Later that night, Yan showed up with a small overnight bag. As soon. He thought about coming again, but the blood was pouring from his nostrils; he staggered off, thinking better of it. The two girls were a little shaken; the taller of the two checking the smaller prettier one over, to ensure she was ok. She then turned and thanked me.“None of my business I know, but what was that all about?” The taller one half smiled and looked a tad sheepish, she was thin and quite shapely, but her face was a little angular; nothing like as pretty as the petite redhead who accompanied her.“Oh, never mind; he’s just an estranged ‘friend’ who seem to think we still owe him something; can’t thank you enough for helping, I doubt he’ll bother us again after that!” I wasn’t so sure, so I offered to walk with them for a while, especially as the redhead gave me a very warm smile which I returned; my nether regions tingling at the warmth of her sweet face. This seemed to agitate the tall one.“Oh thanks, but you needn’t bother, we’ll be ok, won’t we Candy?” ‘Candy’ was.
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