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Kissable lips surrounded straight white teeth. Beautiful hands cupped the glass, long fingers absently twirling a cherry stem.A dinner jacket draped across the bar. Right next to her neatly folded skirt with red silk panties sitting on top.It had to be a dream. Exactly. Cash remembered skipping breakfast. Lunch was a dim memory. Toast? She closed her eyes and pinched the side of her thigh. Hard. Right on the spot she was convinced was extra jiggly despite loads of exercise."Shit! That hurt." Her knees buckled at the pain. It was not a dream. She grasped the bar and hoisted herself onto a stool."Are you okay?" He cocked his head and arched a brow, a look of concern on his face.Cash blinked, distracted by his tongue flicking the stem dangling from his lips. "I'm fine." Her voice cracked on the last syllable."Did you eat all my maraschino cherries?"He followed her gaze to the pile of stems.In response, he reached over plucking the last cherry from the fruit caddy. He flushed and shifted. The crew quarters is one large, noisy, hot, and smelly room, but we can sleep there, at least I can," The Russian chic said.Russian Chic, or RC, followed after him. After they had gone I said the The Brit, "I think we got a couple of cases of the Russian 'Grinch' shoulder fired SAMs. If that is the case and word gets out, this could be an exciting three weeks. The captain says the crew has been with him three years without incident, but I don't believe anyone at this point." I wonder how good the Grinch is?" The Brit asked."Good enough to steel Christmas," I replied."Ah yes,, the Grinch who stole Christmas," he repeated. Well you want to babysit the cargo, or go on deck and watch for pirates?" he asked."Why don't we do two hour shifts then switch," The Brit nodded his approval. I took my untested AP4 and went into the hole of the ship. I found a comfortable place to sit among the ten wooden boxes. I rested the AP4 on my lap and went to sleep. Well I dozed off and on till my two hours.
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