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To be completely honest with you, Reg and Sue could be really mean to their new half-siblings when they felt like it. On several occasions I’m aware that they reduced both the girls to tears… and if not for circumstance, things might possibly have been even worse. However, cunning pair of little shits they were, I don’t think Reg and Susan ever behaved as badly towards Alice and Emma when either parent was about. Don’t get me wrong Reggie and Susan were not overtly hostile towards Alice and Emma, well not all of the time, anyway. I suppose the best way describe what I mean is to tell you about the first time Sally, Bill and myself ever met the two girls. It was at the latter end of that summer’s school holidays. Along with a few other friends, Bill, Sally and I were playing on the swings in the park down the road. When suddenly — over in the little copse — we heard a young child crying out in anguish. On hearing her screams, Bill and I immediately set off at a run to investigate,. The car ran off the road and she’s hurt.’ Manuel followed the boy and sure enough as they got near the road he saw a van on its side. It was a long way up from where the van was at to the road, Manuel was surprised the boy was not hurt. Following the boy he quickly rushed up to the van and saw the boy’s mother pinned inside the car. She wasn’t awake but Manuel could see she was still breathing, but not easily. He grabbed her arms and tried to pull her out, but she was pinned in to tightly. ‘Come help me,’ he said to the boy but both of them couldn’t get her loose either. Manuel crawled down and tried to free her legs, but the wreckage was too bad. He looked at the boy and said, ‘We can’t get her out.’ ‘What can we do?’ ‘We can only wait here until morning and maybe help will come,’ Manuel said, trying to comfort the boy. ‘We need to build a fire, look around for some branches and sticks,’ he said, looking around the area. He scraped away the rough brush in a small area not too far.
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