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Already Charlie knew that too much damage had been done—too many dead and wounded—all a result of the competitive, market- driven freedom people relied on to court and pursue the objects of their affections and desires. He asked himself whether or not he should continue to chase someone who was inherently incompatible. The question was no longer whether or not he alone could unlock a woman’s heart using his own sordid logic, bag of magic tricks, and strange potions, but rather how a woman would do him the service of unlocking and revealing his own heart that was now buried beneath the gloomy weight of a bellicose pursuit of her.Perhaps he thought, fearfully, that he would no longer be the same old person if their hearts were to connect—that he would somehow change and find himself in another universe entirely. Maybe this was what she saw in him—his natural fear of bending to her, much like a plant does to sunlight? A possibility, he mused.He felt like he was in another universe indeed. Mr Bennet did know that relationships needed nurturing and so he had devoted time and effort to the object of his affection. The business of business, the making of money, that was what got his carriage running. He was greedy for more, and for the respect that more generated.It would be a stretch to describe Mr Bennet as a feminist. But he had never once thought that a son would make his life more complete than his twin daughters.But over the last year, his pride in Elizabeth had become tarnished with prejudice. She had lost her shine, becoming, in his view, a triumph of style over substance.Mr Bennet was anticipating that the day would come where Elizabeth must be a stranger to one of her parents. Her mother would never see her again if she did marry the business, and he would never see her again if she didn’t. He was aware of the advice given to parents not to play favourites, but Jane, on the other hand, seemed to have got all the goodness, while Elizabeth only had the appearance.
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