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All was going well, her Dad acquiesced to her taking college level classes, and much of it was due to her Mom’s prodding him as she was sympathetic to her plight.The screw up came when her Dad asked how she was getting to and from class, especially the night courses. Without much thought Cindy responded that she wasn’t sure, as she had not talked with Henry about it, but thought that he would give her a ride home.Her Dad’s face was as a statue, cold and hard, and it spoke volumes to Cindy. All the work that she and her Mom put into softening up her Dad went down the drain. Her Mom jumped in and made a valiant attempt to save the day, but failed to sway her Dad. Without much thought her Dad nixed the night classes, but agreed to the Saturday class, with either Him or her Mom driving her to and from the school.Later that night as Cindy lay in bed, she heard for the first time her Parents arguing. But it didn’t end there as the following weeks can attest as their home was transformed. Perhaps it had been a mistake to allow himself to be led into the whole thing like that – but how could you turn down Samantha Williams? No guy in any high school in America would turn down a girl like Samantha Williams.It was getting late. He pulled himself up to his feet and began to wander out along the row of seats towards the exit. Might as well go home, put his feet up, withdraw and face the fact that fate had played a cruel trick on him."Hey!"The voice behind him startled him. Damn it, Finch always got cheap thrills from creeping up on people. But turning around to see who it was, he realised the voice was too high for Finch."Hey, Dork."It was Amy."Uh... hi Amy," he said, uncertain of what to do or say. Had she come to gloat? You lose, buster."You just going to leave?" she asked him, not giving him any easy answers."Uh... well..." he fumbled."She's waiting for you, you know," Amy's voice seemed somehow softer, more tender. Like she wasn't angry at him any more."Uh..." Aren't.
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