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It looked like vertical lines towards her vagina. I started kissing her navel, lower abdomen and birthmarks in these areas – Ponnamma was combing my hairs with her fingers and asked “X, Do you like my navel, lower belly and birthmarks? Rasu used to comment that my birthmarks below the navel are not very attractive. But, you’re playing in these areas as well”. I did not answer her, but continued kissing her birthmarks on lower abdomen. I liked the softness and fatty nature of her belly. This gave me a lot of comfortness. I pushed my mouth into her navel and gave a deep kiss on her navel with licking her navel tunnel with my tongues. With my two hands, I pressed her lower belly (near the navel) towards center and formed a kind of heap (or bulge) with those soft tendered muscles. I digged my face fully into that bulge. I could not even breath. I bite her lower abdomen in 3-4 places and planted wet kisses on them. I moved my tongue on her birthmarks and bite them as well. While playing. Emma and Donald are excited at the prospect that will await them when they get home. They choose a few additional Venetian masks to send with the others. But keep two jeweled and feathers masks to take with them today.~~~After realizing it is not too far from the hotel actually, Donald and Emma begin to stroll back to the hotel, both getting aroused about what fun they are going to have with the masks when they get there. But they take their time and go into different shops along the way, buying different things, mostly for Emma.At a shoe store, Donald shivers with delight at a pair of laced thigh-high boots in the window. He directs Emma inside and into a chair. Donald sits on the stool between her legs and asks to see a pair of the boots in the window in Emma’s size and dark brown. He assures the clerk he can help Emma try them on himself. Lifting one leg and placing the foot on the rest, he winks at Emma as he has her slide the first boot on. Slowly and deliberately,.
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