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They were both going through the change of life and had begun talking about that. She said Bonnie had informed her she told her husband that she just wasn't interested in sex any longer and they were done with it. She supposedly told him they were old enough it shouldn't be that important to them and he needed to focus on other enjoyable things. For some reason, he had accepted it.I do remember Sally's shocked look when I told her Bonnie was lucky she still had a place to live. I said, "No real man would put up with crap like that unless he was getting some on the side already." I also told her she had better not try it with me. Sally got very angry and told me as a woman's body changed that was a very natural thing and men should just live with out as much pussy. We moved on to other topics and I forgot this conversation. Looking back though, as best as I recall, that was the day our sex life and marriage began to sour.From time to time I would try for a piece and not even get a. My Dad loves it too.---It was Tessa that started me off down this one-way road. Well, in fact, it was Tessa and Jennie. I caught them giggling away in the corner of the school corridor just before History class. Tessa is older than the rest of us because she dropped out of school for a while. She blamed her dad because they have moved around quite a bit with his job. She is well over seventeen and Jennie and I are only halfway there.Anyway, like I said, I caught them giggling and I wanted to know what was amusing them so much. Both of them clammed up when I questioned them; it was like a red rag to a bull. It took me a good three days to find out what it was. I practically had to beg them to tell me and then Tessa just came out with it.She told me that she fucks her dad.I was gobsmacked by the revelation. Jennie stood beside Tessa, not saying much; in fact, she was keeping rather too quiet for my liking. I quizzed Tessa for more information and got far more than I bargained for..
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