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The suite felt empty before Amy arrived the day before. It felt especially empty once they left. I took a long shower, though I really didn't need another already, and slipped into bed. Just before I dosed off, I got a call from Amy. “Hi, Honey.” she said as I picked up the call. “Is everything alright?” I asked. “Oh, yes,” she assured me. “I just needed to hear your voice one more time before I turned in.” “The week is going to drag on endlessly, isn't it?” “Yes it is. Toni was right you know.” “About what?” “I will tell you Saturday, if you haven't figured it out yet. Goodnight, Honey.” “Goodnight, Sweetheart.” As the phone went dead, it hit me exactly what she was telling me. I couldn't allow myself to fall in love this fast. I was certainly starting to have very strong feelings for her just the same. I turned out the light and faded into a very satisfied and restful sleep. The next morning I woke at about 7:00. I went to breakfast uptown. When I was certain his office would. ????? ?Morning,? she smiled shyly. ????? ?Morning,? he replied, giving her a quick grin.????? Stephanie could tell by the look on his face that he was wrestling with his thoughts just as she had wrestled with hers while taking her bath. Finally, she decided to break the awkward silence.?????? ?So, did you mean it???????? Jeff looked up from his eggs.??????? ?Huh???????? ?Did you mean it, Jeff?? she asked, ?Do you think of me being your little slave??????? Jeffery looked at her, ?Well, since you were all tied up and . . .?????? His words trailed off.????? ?I have given it some thought, Jeff, a lot of thought. These past weeks have changed me hugely. I mean, I will never really be the same. Not after being used by the strangers and not after what happened last night and this morning.??????? Jeff just sat there, looking at his stepsister as she paused before continuing.?????? ?Jeff, I want to be your little slave.?????? There, she had said it. ????? ?I know you are probably thinking I am.
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