NAVEL - PRIYA TIWARI Battery Recharge __ बैटरी रिचार्ज __ Bh porn video

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He finally laughed and said, "Nothing more please, you have the whole world in an uproar. Stay where you are and I will join you to get out of the line of fire since I am the only one you will talk to and not even the President," and hung up his phone.Again the phone rang almost immediately after I had placed it back in Reb's hand. She answered and reported that it was the captain of the guards on the line and wished to speak to me. I took the phone placed it to my ear and said, "How is the Consort today?" He had probably written out an action report and was reading it over the phone. I brought him to a halt indicating I had indirectly received a report and only wanted to know what happened to the submarine and where it was. He continued that the action had gone exactly as I had instructed, "The sub surfaced, opened a missile port and initiated firing, at what had not been determined, but the laser cannon fire cut the missile in two causing it to explode with the conventional warhead. Laying on my back, lightly rubbing my nipples and pussy, both were still tender from the spankings, but enjoying how good I had felt today. I was very close to drifting off to sleep, when a light knock came on my door. Opening it a little bit, “Michelle you still awake?” I recognized the voice immediately, “Raini, yes I am, please come in” She slipped in, carrying a blue jar of something, came over joining me. Leaning in, kissing me, a deep tongue probing inside my mouth - all the time moving close to me, setting down the jar on my night stand, the kiss continuing as we both laid back on the bed. Her one hand, playing with one nipple, then moving it down between my legs. Stopping and raising up, “You game to have some fun?” I was back in an erotic haze, not fully understanding the question, I nodded in the affirmative. She reached over, unscrewing the lip from the jar, dipped her middle finger into the blue gel, then pushed it into my pussy. The effects were immediate. I have read.
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