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I need you four to go after the New World Regime and if the opportunity arises, you and Stone investigate Section 8,’ Grines explains. ‘Spying against our own government?’ Greyson asks incredulously. Grines pulls off the desk, his face hardening. ‘I didn’t say it wasn’t going to not get nasty. I don’t like having to do it anymore than you, but there isn’t any other way to get the information obtained and it comes as a direct order from the President himself. CATU is technically outside the borders and officially we don’t exist so we don’t really go through normal channels. You signed up knowing what lay ahead for you.’ Greyson as big and menacing of a man as he is visibly shrinks back into his chair. Silence takes over filled only with the hushed tones of each person’s slow rhythmic breathing until finally the big man breaks the silence. ‘I understand and apologize for—’ ‘There’s no need. I understand the need for your patriotism. I understand several members of your family including. ”Again, it occurred how odd it all seemed – all these people standing around, talking, eating and drinking, being sexual, all without a single bit of clothing on. It seemed so natural, but also so weird. Add to that the fact that all these people also had sex with each other, openly, unashamedly, and without conflict. I watched Megan walk up to a blonde woman about twenty five, and caress her bare buttocks, greeting her with a smile. The woman kissed her affectionately on the lips and they chatted casually. Another girl who was talking to Luke was tugging gently on his studded cock as they chatted. He seemed to be totally un-fazed by her attentions, even though his cock was fully erect. These people just did whatever they wanted, enjoying themselves and their bodies in a way I never thought I’d be part of. And I was also surprised how I was reacting to what would have seemed impossible for me before today. Maybe it was Max’s explanation that made it seem so natural to have casual sex.
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