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.all is fictional,there is no woman that least don't know one yet,and enjoy X) )Feeling my head,being dragged from the cold floor,With the smell of the blindfold,over powering me more and more,In a daze,I don't know what to think or what's going on,So far i want to be lost,rather than to be found,Unable to come to my senses,Felt sick from the motion sickness,The high scent keep increasing like burning incense,Sooner or later,that moment i kept reminiscing,The soft touch of her tongue,Her vile movements,The way she'll make you plunge,As though you'll meet your end,The blindfold is stripped off,Left with the sight of holes in the ceiling,Looking at my hands which are cuffed,Starting to wonder when did I start yielding,So her she cums..basking in her presence,You could even hear the wet sounds she made,Fingers slipping in and out,creating more of her juicy essence,Somehow..she had a ulterior plot unlike the alley charade,Starts with the dirty talk,Continues with violent. “Maybe we should teach HER to change diapers given how quick she is to announce when they need changing!” I offered.“I think we need them all to potty train like Jesse,” Jessica said. “You just told him one day to use the potty and that was it.”“He was ready before that,” I said. “He was just being stubborn.”“Like his dad!” Katy teased.“I might be stubborn at times,” I said. “But I’m not stubborn enough to sit around in a dirty diaper! And no, my Dear Doctor, I do NOT want to hear some ER story about THAT particular fetish!”Jessica laughed, “You wouldn’t last a day as an ER doc. The stories I could tell...”“No thanks!” Elyse laughed. “I don’t need to hear them either!”She scooped up Michael and headed up to her room to change him. She was back about five minutes later.“Michael smells nice!” Birgit said.Everyone laughed. We talked and played with the kids until lunchtime. I was somewhat surprised that we hadn’t heard from Jennifer, but I trusted that she’d call when it was appropriate..
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