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She went to school in Paris and Rene listened raptly of the adventures that happen to young schoolgirls in that City of Lovers. ‘You should now have a nap, Rene,’ said Aunt, ‘while I have my bath, after that I’ll ring for lunch.’ It was this bath that had got Rene excited. * Rene stood on his toes and peeped. He got a good view. Aunt had arranged a three-feet high wooden screen in front of the tub. She herself was standing wrapped in a Turkish towel knotted high on her chest. Rene expected her to take it off and throw it on to a rack visible in the corner. Just then the pain in his calves became so unbearable that he had to lower himself. He sat on the cot and kneaded his calves to relieve the crampy pain. He was up again in position, eye at peephole, but alas, aunt now was squatting behind the screen in a spot so (unfortunately) well chosen that the upper part of her face alone was visible. She was pouring water over herself. Rene cursed his luck. It was early days, though, Rene. Finally, Darrell pulled out and launched his steamy cum over my face and into my mouth, like I was instructed. The man with camera closed in and got me swallowing a load.I felt sick as I rolled over. It took several minutes for me to recover. Darrell left to shower in the next room as the man chatted with him about what was to come next. I heard the man go upstairs and out the back door. Darrell returned and told me I had done great. He talked as I barely managed to comprehend. The man came down the stairs and bring a saw horse into the small room. He threw two sections of carpet over it. I was told to bend over it and grab my ankles if I could. The man cuffed my hands to my ankles. Darrell was rubbing himself behind me as the man moved lights around me. Darrell had got semi hardened and was pushing his cock up against the crack of my ass. Then Darrell pulled my ass apart so the man could get a close-up of my hole before being torn apart. I began to worry as they joked about my.
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